Harrogate Cycle Action Group
03/03/2015 10:30
Harrogate Borough Council are debating a report on the 4th March related to Walking and Cycling it recommends that the Council support the HCA manifesto for Cycling and also that the Council make an Expression of interest to the DfT with regard to the development of a Cycling Delivery Plan.
HCA have been working with Officers and the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Transport ( Cllr Rebecca Burnett) to produce a list of schemes within Harrogate and Knaresborough that will form the basis of developing the cycle network over the next 10years. The main thrust of the Plan is to link up the existing network and ensure that cyclist are provided with a safe environment to ride in. The full scheme list will be made public in the next few weeks when it has been formally approved by Harrogate Council.
In addition the Council have committed funding to undertake a feasibility study on a Harrogate to Knaresborough Cycleway with the aim of reducing car journeys along this route.
The Council has made a commitment of £750k in its budget towards developing the cycle network and has also made funds available for maintenance of existing footpaths.
The report is good news in that it moves forward the work that was started some 15 months ago at a meeting with Councillors when the Manifesto was launched.